Teaching Strategies for Mission Training from Deuteronomy 6:6-9

The state of educational institutions across the globe seems to be in peril as indicated by some educators. Noted award-winning American educator John Gatto feels that “we need to realize that the school institution ‘schools’ very well, though it does not educate” and that “schools teach exactly what they are […]

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African Theology of Missions

The concern for contextualization, inculturation and indigenization continues to be the bedrock of missions, even though, globalization and internationalization has become the order of the day. It is due to this reason that the present book is written to help prospective missionaries to Africa and elsewhere understand the dynamics of […]

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Drawing Parallel Lines between the Theory of Multiple Intelligences and the Biblical Concept of Different Gifts: (A Biblical Foundation for the Theory of Multiple Intelligences)

Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences theory is parallel to the Biblical concept of different gifts in Romans 12: 6-8, Ephesians 4:10-13 and 1 Corinthians 12: 4-12.  An exegetical study of the various verses is compared to the MI theory of Howard Gardner to demonstrate the parallelism of MI to […]

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Portrait of a Nigerian Pentecostal Missionary

The Pentecostals have not only made the gospel alive in Nigeria, but they are also sending missionaries all over the world to preach the gospel, despite financial upheaval in the country. The Pentecostal churches in Nigeria have sent out more missionaries in the late 20th century than any other denomination […]

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